Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Trip Report - Going 'round the Southern New England Loop

Long post, but an action-packed weekend!
Stop #1: Jim DuFour's HO B&M
Stic Harris, Bernie Kempinski and I flew from DC to Hartford, Conn. early last Friday morning to attend the Springfield show and visit some layouts. We arrived back in town late last night after having a great time visiting some of the best layouts I’ve ever seen and sampling some of the local grub. 
The trip hit an early glitch when the airline decided we had everything we needed to take off, loaded everybody onto the shuttle to ride out to the plane, until someone remembered that a pilot would come in handy. So it was back to the terminal while we waited for the flight crew to be united with the aircraft. Then it was off to Springfield. 
We got a rental car “upgrade” – which apparently means “Here’s a Passat with high mileage and not-so-great brakes.” But we survived. Thanks to Bernie for driving. 

Jim DuFour's B&M Cheshire Branch
The Friday marathon continued as we bypassed the hotel and headed directly to Jim DuFour’s to visit his HO scale Boston & Maine Cheshire branch. When we arrived the sign on the door said “Come in” so we did. As I turned the corner I overheard Jim and Don Janes talking about me behind my back (happily it was all good!). I think I gave Jim a heart attack when he turned around and saw me standing in his kitchen. We headed to the basement where I got to run some trains (his steam locomotives are some of the best running, and sounding, I’ve heard). 

Also had a chance to visit with George Corey (above), whose prototype photos have provided Jim, myself, and countless others with lots of inspiration. George is not only a fantastic photographer he has a real Yankee sense of humor (translation, he’s a wise-Alek – though he uses a different term!). 
Stop #2: Old Saybrook, Conn., on Chris Adam's HO Scale New Haven Valley Branch
After we left Jim’s we headed for the coast and Chris Adam’s New Haven Valley Line in Old Saybrook. After Bernie managed to almost get us trapped by a 53-foot tractor trailer behind a mini-mart (he was hungry and wanted to stop for chips....) we arrived in Old Saybrook. 
Despite the chips, Bernie and Stic complained about being hungry, so we went to a sandwich shop in Old Saybrook and Bernie ate a five-pound Cuban sandwich (constantly commenting about how big it was as he continued devouring the thing). 
We then headed over to Chris’, but not before we met his  next door neighbor (Stic went to the wrong house…). When we got to the correct door Chris immediately reminded us that pizza was on the way. For the record, Chris had told us about the pizza, and though Bernie and Stic got the same email it was somehow my fault they chose to eat sandwiches instead of waiting 30 minutes to have some pizza. 
We had a great time meeting Chris’ operating crew, and enjoyed running his layout. He’s just getting started on scenery, but the scenes that are finished (including Old Saybook proper, above) are excellent. I look forward to returning – if Chris will let us back in. Apparently, there’s still leftover pizza. I blame Bernie. 
We left Old Saybrook and headed to Springfield and arrived at the hotel just in the nick of time to avoid turning into pumpkins at midnight. We then retired for the evening. 
Saturday was taken up at the train show. I bought some things – luckily most of what I bought was pre-order (including a Bethlehem Car Works upcoming model of the CN Café Car – the one car needed to fill out the Ambassador consist!) so I didn’t have to figure out how to take a bunch of stuff back on the airplane! Saturday night dinner was in an old parlor car alongside the Palmer, Mass., former CV and Boston & Albany station. 
Stop #3: Jason Fontaine's Southern New England Railroad
Sunday morning we headed to Charlton to visit the next two layouts. Although they represent two different approaches to the hobby, they are both outstanding. 
Now there's something you don't see everyday on a model railroad! 
Our first stop was to see Jason Fontaine’s Southern New England. Like my prototype freelance roadname, Jason’s railroad is based on the famed “Titanic Railroad” of New England rail lore. Jason’s layout is populated with wonderful craftsman kits, has some excellent photo backdrops, and two things I’ve never seen on a layout – a lift up lake (for access) and a stock car track. 
Bernie is wondering where the lake went. 
Presently he’s working on installing touch toggle switch motor controls (we got a rundown on how they work and how easy they are to install) and finishing up a staging yard (he expanded the railroad a few years ago) in order to start hosting operating sessions. 
We left Jason's a little later than we planned, meaning we had to postpone lunch and headed for Neil Schofield’s layout. Neil's layout accurately represents railroading in and around Richford and Newport Vermont circa 1980.
Stop #4: Stic made a new friend (for the record, so did I!). Left to right: Finn and Stic. 

Neil has truly and accurately captured the structures, scenery, and rolling stock. Although the layout is only about 1/3rd done compared with the final grand scheme, what is there is outstanding. 
After leaving Neil’s we stopped for a late lunch. I forgot what Bernie ordered, but he ate all of it, once again complaining about how it was too much food. For the record, Stic and I ate everything as well, we just didn't discuss it. 

Stop #5: Dick Ewell's Hoosac Valley

Monday morning we checked out of the hotel, and since our flight wasn’t until 1930 and it was a beautiful (cold, but sunny) day we headed west to visit Dick Elwell’s Hoosac Valley. I’ve always been a fan of Dick’s layout and it never fails to disappoint. I think we each took 100 photos...Dick is simply one of the nicest people I’ve ever met – in the hobby or otherwise – and we really appreciated him hosting us on relatively short notice.  I even ended up leaving Dick’s with something truly special – a beautifully painted and great-running Central Vermont 2-8-0. Gosh, I hope he doesn't look for it any time soon. 
We stopped at a UPS Store so I could ship my newest acquisition to myself. The guys working there recommended a place called Local Burger – best burgers and fries in town. They were right – the burgers were excellent (Bernie complained about big his meal was, and proceeded to eat all of it in record time…okay, he left 3 or 4 fries in the basket). We did consider splitting the “Captain Crunch Hot Dog” just to say we tried it but we weren’t that daring. 
We drew the line at the Captain Crunch deep-fried hotdog....
The flight home was uneventful (pilot showed up this time…) and I arrived home before 2200 last night tired, but having spent a wonderful weekend with some great friends.
Thanks to all of our wonderful hosts - Jim, Chris, Jason, Neil and Dick. Y'all are welcome to visit us any time!  

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Track gang reaches Essex Junction

The track gang has reached the outskirts of Essex Junction, Vt. Of course, Essex is situated on the former site of White River Jct. so perhaps this post should be titled "Track Gang reaches this corner of the basement....again."
I've spent a number of hours over the last few weeks of evenings finalizing the Essex track arrangement. While there will be some compromises from the prototype I believe it captures the spirit and look of the place. 
Commercial turnouts, even "curved" Micro-Engineering no. 6 turnouts, don't allow for a fluid enough geometry to look right and maximize the track arrangement so I'm planning on hand laying a fair number of turnouts in this section - the first of these is shown here - a curved no. 6 (and 3/4 or so!) left hand. One leg will form part of the Essex junction yard/wye trackage, the other leg will be the lead through the fence and into Fort Ethan Allen. (note the photo was taken before the throw rod was installed!) 

Sunday, January 1, 2017

Happy New Year! Goals for 2017

Happy 2017! Whether you're a first time visitor or a regular reader of this blog here's hoping 2017 brings you nothing but health, prosperity and happiness. 
I didn't offer a "Goals for 2016" post a year ago - good thing since 2016 was a strange year in many ways. As I reflect on the modeling accomplishments for the year I find I really didn't accomplish a great deal model railroading-wise. It didn't help that two large work-related projects sucked up a large number of evenings and weekends - luckily none of those are on the horizon for this year! 
But there were some victories. I finished the Demeritt Cannery. I also got well along with a major rework of the end of the main peninsula, which has included rearranging a fair amount of track, repositioning two towns, and replacing White River Junction with Essex Junction. 
So, with 2016 firmly in the rear view mirror here's the list of model railroad goals for 2017:
1. Complete all the basic track, wiring, fascia etc.. between Essex Junction and Bethel. 
2. Structures completed in Waterbury
3. Host at least four operating sessions (I'm somewhat red-faced that I didn't host a single "formal" session in 2016!) 
4. Complete all "open country" scenery (including the two rivers that are currently Masonite surfaces.)
5. Complete backdrops.
6. Essex Junction train shed complete
7. "Ambassador" consist complete (some of these cars have languished in semi-completion for almost a decade!)
8. Install decoders in my CV brass steam locomotives and C-Liners. 
9. Get CV 2-8-0s and one 4-8-2 painted and weathered. 
10. Weather ALL rolling stock on layout. 
11. One new blog post a week (on average)
12. Video updates at least once a month. 
Bonus goal: Make something of a dent in the collection of unbuilt resin freight car kits. For this "stretch" goal I'd say averaging one car completed a month is enough to be realistic without being unachievable. (But don't look for any completed freight car reports until goal #1 above is complete!)  
Obviously, there are other things to get done model railroad wise - and there's always the strong possibility that something that looks more interesting and fun, or life itself, will intrude on checking off the items on this list.  
How will I do? 
Tune in next December 31st to find out!