
Saturday, April 4, 2020

Agricultural Implement & Paint Dealer - Part 9 - A couple of signs

Since none of the prototype photos of the Enosburg Falls implement dealer structure showed any signage, I was on my own when it came to making up appropriate signs. 
After looking over what signage I could find (through a variety of internet searches), some common patterns emerged. For one thing, there was a large sign over the larger doors - in fact my prototype has a remnant of such of sign (search through earlier posts in this series of posts). 
So it was a simple matter to create an appropriate sign in PhotoShop (above). 
On one of my searches, I came across a neat black and yellow McCormick-Deering sign, with the dealer's name in the lower section of the sign. I imported the sign into PhotoShop, and replaced the Mott Implement Co. lettering with my own company's and inserted Enosburg Falls as the town name. 
After I printed the signs out (copying and pasting it a few times so I'd have extras in case I messed one up!) I carefully trimmed the overhead sign from the paper and glued it a piece of .040" styrene. Some stained stripwood 3x6 trim, drybrushed white and then installed around the edges of the sign, completed the main sign:

I wanted the Mc-Cormick Deering sign to look like a metal sign so I used a sea sponge to gently dab a compbination of old rust-colored paint to the sign. I made sure to go lightly on the surface and a little heavier on the edges. 
Work continues on the main building as well. I realized the inside of the building looked like a big empty box when viewed through the garage door windows. But a full interior didn't seem worth the effort since that would be a little too hard to see - besides, I need to get this building finished and move on to something else! 
On a whim, I googled "Vintage Farm Implement Dealer interiors" and found this image:

I sized it to the fit the rear wall of the garage portion of the building, printed it out, and glued it in place. 

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