
Friday, March 23, 2018

Shop Thoughts?

My birthday was on the 21st. Normally I'm able to get a round of golf in on my birthday - this year Northern Virginia was carpeted in snow so we stayed inside and got more boxes emptied. I'm almost at the point where I can get started unpacking/sorting out the basement. I'm also starting to think more about the model building "heavy shop" that I'd like to create in the smaller of the two presently unfinished storage areas. 
I've received only a few comments on the Richford layout design  - and a few of those seemed considerably less than enthusiastic. Since we're actually in the house I've been getting a better feel for the space and think another scope reduction may be in order. Perhaps the 180-degree turn in the lower left of the plan between Sheldon Jct and the lead switch to the paper mill, should be removed. Or perhaps the paper mill could shift to a narrow stub ended shelf against the wall and eliminate the turn back curve? 
It simply seems like the layout footprint where that curve is shown would be intruding too much into the space. On the other hand, I have no idea what I would do with that floor area if the layout wasn't there.
In any event, this would mean eliminating Enosburg Falls or Sheldon Jct. from the plan. Not an appealing prospect. 
I plan to mock up the benchwork footprint full size with cardboard (there's no shortage of that at the moment!) and see how all this actually looks, and how it fits the space when combined with other uses for the basement. 
More on this to follow - hopefully with photos. But first I need to get the cars in the garage - so there's more to do upstairs!
Honestly, getting what I'm calling the "heavy modeling shop" is going to take priority over the layout for the forseeable future. Currently this is a raw space, so it needs studs/drywall, and lighting. To many times in the past I've jumped right into layout construction before I'd gotten things organized. I also found I wasn't using the tools I do have since it was too much trouble to dig them out, set them up, and then try to use them in a cramped, underlit room. 
The result was I found myself tripping over my tools, myself, and others. 
This time I want to have tools and materials where I can find them before starting the layout. And, frankly, I also want to build some models before I start lugging a bunch of wood into the basement. 
The sketch (not to scale, but the dimensions are accurate) show my initial cut at how to arrange countertops/cabinets and the like. 
I do have a large (and extremely heavy!) Ikea island with gobs of drawer space. Christine had been using it in her craft room in the old house, but it doesn't fit in her new sewing room so she gave it to me. 
At first I was going to use kitchen-style base cabinets (with one or doors) as the base - then it occurred to me it may be more efficient to have large open shelves below the countertop for storing tools that are not in use. Some tools get used for most projects. These, the drill press or belt sander for example, will have permanent spots on the counter. Others, such as the mill, can live on the storage shelves and then be moved to the countertop when they're needed.  
One more note - this isn't the space where I envision myself sitting in the evening building a freight car or structure - this is for the "power tools" and bench tools. In other words, most of the work here will be done while standing. I have a modeling desk upstairs (immediately adjacent to Christine's new craft room) where I plan to do kit assembly and the like. 
Appreciate any thoughts on what does and doesn't make a good shop. 


  1. Lots of lighting!!
    And are you running your airbrush out of there? Meaning, got ventilation for a paint booth?

  2. Don't forget. This layout is for you. Other peoples ideas may lead to change, but their not liking it doesn't mean you should change it. Of course I am going to ask about running that beautiful 700. Will this layout support it?
