
Sunday, January 1, 2017

Happy New Year! Goals for 2017

Happy 2017! Whether you're a first time visitor or a regular reader of this blog here's hoping 2017 brings you nothing but health, prosperity and happiness. 
I didn't offer a "Goals for 2016" post a year ago - good thing since 2016 was a strange year in many ways. As I reflect on the modeling accomplishments for the year I find I really didn't accomplish a great deal model railroading-wise. It didn't help that two large work-related projects sucked up a large number of evenings and weekends - luckily none of those are on the horizon for this year! 
But there were some victories. I finished the Demeritt Cannery. I also got well along with a major rework of the end of the main peninsula, which has included rearranging a fair amount of track, repositioning two towns, and replacing White River Junction with Essex Junction. 
So, with 2016 firmly in the rear view mirror here's the list of model railroad goals for 2017:
1. Complete all the basic track, wiring, fascia etc.. between Essex Junction and Bethel. 
2. Structures completed in Waterbury
3. Host at least four operating sessions (I'm somewhat red-faced that I didn't host a single "formal" session in 2016!) 
4. Complete all "open country" scenery (including the two rivers that are currently Masonite surfaces.)
5. Complete backdrops.
6. Essex Junction train shed complete
7. "Ambassador" consist complete (some of these cars have languished in semi-completion for almost a decade!)
8. Install decoders in my CV brass steam locomotives and C-Liners. 
9. Get CV 2-8-0s and one 4-8-2 painted and weathered. 
10. Weather ALL rolling stock on layout. 
11. One new blog post a week (on average)
12. Video updates at least once a month. 
Bonus goal: Make something of a dent in the collection of unbuilt resin freight car kits. For this "stretch" goal I'd say averaging one car completed a month is enough to be realistic without being unachievable. (But don't look for any completed freight car reports until goal #1 above is complete!)  
Obviously, there are other things to get done model railroad wise - and there's always the strong possibility that something that looks more interesting and fun, or life itself, will intrude on checking off the items on this list.  
How will I do? 
Tune in next December 31st to find out!


  1. Strong list of goals. And a challenge, but good to have targets in mind to help keep you focused. Happy New Year!

  2. That list is a pretty tall order, Marty! Don't forget to have some fun along the way. And here's wishing you a Happy New Year.

  3. Marty, I didn't forget you about the CV decal artwork! As my locomotive building spree comes to an end, this is my next task.

    1. Looking forward to it - once I get the rest of the track up and running I'd like to try building an earlier era locomotive.
