
Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Second Anniversary

December 18, 2010 saw my first post to this blog - that means it's time to celebrate our second anniversary. 
I'm continually amazed at the number of unique visitors - 44,690 unique visits - as of this post that have stopped by. A total of 88 of you have decided to follow this blog, which of course means you have to do whatever I say ....<g> 
I'm less impressed with the total number of posts - which sits at 90 - that I've managed to write. That's roughly one post every 2-3 weeks. From what I've read about blogging you really should offer short, but frequent posts. Obviously I've fallen short there.
I don't really believe in making new year resolutions, but I'll make an exception here:
  • I will commit to try to post a little more frequently:' I'll try for a one post a week average. 
  • In an effort to increase the post count I may adopt a "wordless Wednesday," like my friend George Dutka does on his White River Division blog. That will be in addition to the weekly post. 
  • According to Google analytics, the most popular post in the one titled "track plan." No surprise, since model railroaders are attracted to track plans like moths to a flame. But the plan shown in that post is an early version that doesn't show how the layout actually evolved. I really do need to do an updated trackplan that shows the layout as it currently sits. 
  • The second most popular group of posts are the ones on various classes/types of CV equipment. I have a few more of those prepared, and will post them shortly.

I'll hold off on layout resolutions for now. 
In the meantime, thanks to all of you who visit this little corner of the internet. 


  1. Congratulations on two years of blogging...I always enjoy your posts and photos...great to see the CV alive and well...George Dutka

  2. Congrats Marty! Keep up the good work. :)

  3. Happy anniversary. Welcome to the Terrible Twos... ;-)
    - Trevor

  4. Happy anniversary. . . . we'll look forward to many more. Perfection is not required by the way, I think we probably like you just the way you are. (I am always careful when I write that, because the Billy Joel song with similar sentiment was written for his first wife. . .still, in your case I think it's true. . . we like you just the way you are).

