
Thursday, June 27, 2024

A New Addition to the Layout - Part IX: An upper mill pond

When we removed the Charlton Branch section from Jason's layout we had to cut through the river. Although it went pretty well, the water did chip slightly and a couple of "chunks" of scenery separated from the subbase. I suppose I could have tried to blend it and add a new layer of Envirotex to blend everything together, but I wasn't sure that would even work and if it didn't work I was concerned it would mess up the remaining section of river and falls near Martin Machine that was in good shape. 

A logical - and easier - solution is to not try to patch the river but instead add another fall and a mill pond at a higher elevation. This has the added advantage of allowing for another mill building/complex. 

I did some rough measurements the other night and mocked things up. That seemed to go well enough that last nights "30 minutes a night" was spent cutting a mill pond surface (the leftover fascia piece - hence the color!) and the "land" - currently some 1" pink foam. 

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Yes, I'm still here

I realize it's been a long time - from March 20 until now - since I've posted anything to this blog. I'm not certain, but that may be the longest hiatus ever. 

There are of course the usual excuses I could offer - I was sick for a week or so (back in April, so I'm not sure how valid an excuse that actually is!); I've had some more significant health issues that I've been dealing with; we had out of town visitors for several weeks, etc... 

But the real issue is I simply didn't feel like doing much model railroading - and therefore didn't have anything to share here. 

But on reflection I have done some stuff over the several months - they just haven't lent themselves to interesting blog posts. 

For example, I got the CV boxcar decals completed - although I have to cut the large sheets of decals apart before officially offering them for sale. 

I've also managed to get make progress on the Autumn scenery book ... I'm still hoping it will be done sometime late this year. 

On the layout, I've completed the vast majority of the track - and have even gotten most of it ballasted. The one spot where I still need to ballast the track is in the paper mill complex (which will be rough ballast at best) and the track connecting the main layout to the Northern SNE Charlton branch section (see photo above). 

One thing I need to decide is what to do with the fairly large open area across the street from Streeter's Store in the photo above. It seems to be begging for an industry (and I have allowed for a siding there) - but what should that be? 

I've considered putting the Clear Brook feed mill in that spot. Or a different feed mill I have a kit for. The advantage of the Clear Brook mill is that it's already built! Another option is a propane dealer or a pulp wood yard or bulk material yard - that would of course be the easiest approach to getting some that looks "finished" in that spot.